Whatis Froged?
Behavioural marketing software that allowsyou to track and analyse customers’ actions on your website. With this info,you can set activity‑basedmessages to pop up and send personalised email campaigns, thereby increasingengagement. Forget using different programmes to collect different data, Frogedcollects and stores it all in one simple-to-use space. It even enables livechat capability.
Howdid the solution develop?
“We started with the idea to create oneplatform that would handle user data across marketing, sales and support.Typically these are handled via different software platforms. We attended theDemium AllStartup Weekender in December 2018 and by June 2019 we wereincorporated. Today our teams is made up of nine people, we have 192 registeredcontacts and we’re growing at a rate of 25% each month.”
How instrumentalwas Demium in the process?
“For us, Demium has been an incredible startingpoint. We all went to the ASW because we wanted to meet the right partners and gainaccess to the startup ecosystem in Spain. Not only did we manage to create astrong founding team, but Demium gave us great examples to follow so that wecould succeed once connected to the startup ecosystem.”
Whathas been your biggest challenge so far?
“Trying to keep going in the rightdirection. Especially at the beginning, because the software was developing atthe same time as the product-market fit was being tested. The other bigchallenge is not falling in love with your product and being able to focus onthe feedback that will drive you towards success.”
Whattips would you give other startups to attract investment?
“Our first approach was to promote thestrength of the team and the huge potential the platform we were developing.There are great advantages to SaaS models in terms of scalability and recurringrevenue. The first investors were mainly interested in the team, but they alsowanted to see proof of product-market fit.”
What’snext for Froged?
“We are looking to reach our first 1,000clients this year, closing a few partnerships and further defining our path inthe hyper-personalisation sector.”
Meetthe team
Emily G Cebrián Lombán, CEO
IESE and ICEX alumni, former ManagingDirector of Abencor Brasil and has experience in Business DevelopmentManagement in several sectors, including energy and industrial and civilconstruction.
Juan Rojano Carretero, CIO
Former Telco Engineer, Business Intelligence expert, spent five years asTeam Leader at INDRA and graduated in BI from Informatica (USA).
Ángel Romero Astorga, CTO
Full Stack Developer and Entrepreneur,three-time SaaS founder, with 18 years’s worth of coding experience, and won the 2010 University Contest Award for Free Software at UMA.
Find out morehttps://froged.com